Saturday 5 May 2012


Sometimes, in a particular time of the month, I encounter a period of mood swings, a very horrible feeling that I have no idea how to control it. Last month, I knew there’s something wrong with me, and those whisperers that I decided to share it with my mate.

” I have plenty of things on my mind yet I couldn’t control it. I dunno where to start. “
Then my mate explained:

” it’s the syaiton who whispers in your heart that makes you feel like so. Syaiton will make you feel very lonely and alone. As times goes by, naudzubillahi min dzalik, you’ll start to believe in it. You will believe that you’re alone, whilst you’re never alone. NEVER BEEN, NEVER WILL. There’s always Allah with you. Stay alert, it’s only a mind game, an illusion to pull you away from Allah “


“It’s alright to concerned about things. For instance, you went back home, and I’m concerned will you have a safe trip”

“Sometimes, it’s also alright to be worried. For instance, you’ve gone for more than three hours and I haven’t heard from you”

“But being anxious, is never been good.. For instance, I haven’t heard from you and then I assume you’re being kidnapped, or injured without supported by any facts.”

“This is what Qur’an 114:5 meant by  those who whispers (wickedness) into human’s heart
I have to share this, for us to be aware of the syaiton’s endless efforts to pull us away from Allah, and to follow their path instead.

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