Saturday 5 May 2012

about Adam

Prophets are no ordinary human beings. They are sinless, the perfect example of human kind. They lead a certain group of people in a certain period. The leader needs to be perfect, since this is Allah’s leadership.  Allah guide and protect them, they are the special first class breed even if we root it to the genealogy.

Are we agree to this? Good. Now, let’s give it a look at the Adam and Eve’s story.

The common story we heard time to time is that Adam is thrown to the world due to Eve’s mistakes eating the forbidden apple. Referring to the first paragraph, I was thinking… Maybe… Adam knew Eve would eat the apple. And the decision of Adam and Eve to live in the world was not a punishment, rather, it might be a choice. It might be their or Adam’s deal with Allah. He won’t disobey Allah, it can’t be his mistake. And it is impossible for Eve for not knowing, since there’s only Adam and Eve there. Eve must knew whatever Adam knew.

Through my eyes, the story would be like this:

“Adam, Eve, if you guys would like to know the world (earth), you may eat the apple. But if you prefer to live here, then don’t eat the apple”

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